🌟Certification according to ISO 27001 and ISO 50001 standards🌟

It is with great pleasure that we would like to inform you about new achievements in our business. We strive to continuously improve our services and ensure the highest level of security and sustainability. That is why we are proud to share with you the news about certification according to ISO 27001 and ISO 50001 standards.

🔒 ISO 27001 – Information Security With this certificate, we confirm our commitment to preserving information security. We have implemented the most advanced technologies and processes to protect your data and ours and provide a more secure environment for all our users. The ISO 27001 standard consists of a series of guidelines and principles designed to help organizations identify and manage risks related to information security. This standard also requires organizations to adhere to certain procedures and continuously improve their information security management systems.

🌿 ISO 50001 – Energy Efficiency Management With ISO 50001, we are committed to sustainability and reducing our environmental footprint. This standard helps us manage resources and energy more efficiently, thereby contributing to the preservation of the environment and the community in which we operate. The ISO 50001 standard provides an opportunity for organizations and companies with technical and management strategies to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs and reduce negative impact on the environment.

These certificates are the result of our teamwork and commitment to high standards. We believe these steps will help us improve your experience and further establish trust in our company.

T. +381(0)21/847-290 office@celikdoo.rs


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